
Out of Stock

(Please Note: Please only select Delivery or Collection of Festive Boxes between December 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Please refrain from ordering out-with these dates. Any orders out-with these dates cannot be processed due to restrictions with suppliers, storage and staffing)

Our popular Christmas Festive Boxes are back for 2024!

£130 Festive Box Feeds 12 Adults and includes:

  • 2kg Boneless Turkey Crown
  • 2kg Unsmoked Bacon Loin Joint
  • 2kg Beef Roasting Joint
  • 3 x 500g Pork Stuffing
  • 3 x 250g Streaky Bacon
  • 2 x Atkins & Potts Turkey Gravy
  • 1 x Atkins & Potts Beef Gravy
  • 36 Handmade Pork Chipolatas
  • 1 Cooking Bag
  • 1 Cooking Tray
  • Full Cooking Instructions
  • Feeds 12 adults

We are proud to offer our popular Christmas Festive Boxes for the 6th year running.

Our team will carefully hand-prepare your Christmas Festive Box complete with cooking instructions, cooking bag and roasting tray.

We are proud to say we hold a 100% satisfaction rate with customers returning year on year for their highly anticipiated Festive Box from their trusted Butcher.

We work tirelessly to ensure every Festive Box is perfectly packaged and complete with our succulent Turkey Crown, Luxury Bacon Loin Joint, Streaky Bacon, Stuffing, Gravy and hand-linked Pork Chipolatas. Our £95 and £130 Festive Box also come complete with locally sourced quality Beef Roasting Joints specially selected by our Craft Butchers.

With demand growing year on year, we expect our Festive Boxes to be a popular option this year. Please order soon to avoid disappointment.


Order today for guaranteed Christmas Delivery.

(Please Note: Please only select Delivery or Collection of Festive Boxes between December 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Please refrain from ordering out-with these dates. Any orders out-with these dates cannot be processed due to restrictions with suppliers, storage and staffing)




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All Festive Boxes come complete with Cooking Instructions, Roasting Tray and Cooking Bag.

Product Information

Order today for guaranteed Christmas Delivery.

(Please Note: Please only select Delivery or Collection of Festive Boxes between December 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Please refrain from ordering out-with these dates. Any orders out-with these dates cannot be processed due to restrictions with suppliers, storage and staffing)

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Cooking Instructions

All Festive Boxes come complete with Cooking Instructions, Roasting Tray and Cooking Bag.